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How do I check the status of my order?You can track the status of your order in real time by entering your order information on the My Orders Status option.
Do you provide tracking information?Yes, you will receive an email once your order ships which contain your tracking information. Normally it takes minimum 1-2 business days to process any order. Once the order is fulfilled and item is reached the desitnation hub, you will automatically get an email about the same. If you haven’t received tracking info within 5 days, please contact us.
How long does standard delivery take?For any item shipped from our warehouse in the India, it only needs 6 - 7 business days to arrive (Standard Shipping). For any item shipped from our warehouse in the USA, it only needs 12 - 14 business days to arrive (Standard Shipping). Please allow 10-35 business days (average) for some items to arrive since it's shipped from outside the USA.
Can I have more clarity on the shipment delivery timelines?Please check the mode of delivery selected while placing the order. Standard Delivery generally takes 6 - 7 business days. Express Delivery generally takes 3 - 5 business days. Since most of the orders are dispatched with 48 hours from monday to friday; it may take atleast 3-4 days to reach you. The delivery times may change and are subject to location, distance and our logistics partners. We are not liable for any delays in delivery by our logistics partners. Please don't worry we have your back and will help you track the parcel and keep you updated.
What payment methods do you accept?We accept payment via "Debit/Credit Card" and by "Cash on Delivery" at the time of the delivery of the product. However, COD mode of payment has a convenience charge (Rs. 50) associated with it on orders below Rs. 2000.
What is the process for Cash On Delivery (COD) purchase?When you make a purchase using the COD option, your product will be booked. You will receive a call from us to confirm your order before it gets dispatched. If you are unreachable or unable to attend the call, please contact us if you are still interested in receiving the product.
I haven't yet received a confirmation email about my order.If you haven’t received a shipping confirmation email after 48 hours or 2 business days of making your order, please contact our Support team to help you track and confirm your order. Please note - weekends/holidays are not considered for order shipping fulfilment.
My tracking says “no information available at the moment”For some shipping companies, it takes 2-3 business days for the tracking information to update on the system. If your order was placed more than 5 business days ago and there is still no information on your tracking number, please contact us.
Can I change my order if I have changed my mind?If you have change your mind, please contact our support team to find out if your order can be changed. Usually, if the item has not been confirmed for shipping we can change the order. You can alter/change your order within 6 Hrs. of the order generation. However, if your order has already been shipped, we would be happy to accept any returns.
How do you make sure if the item selected by me is correct?After we receive your order, it is checked by the logistics manager. There are certain do's and don'ts which is which we follow for every order - 1. If you have chosen the correct size of the product? 2. If you have chosen the correct material suitable for your pet? If at all we find any issues in the order we will immediately inform you over phone, whatsapp or email. Once you with the details we then immediately send the shipment to our fulfillment center.
I've placed order with multiple items; can I combine them into one package?Since we have several different warehouses in India & worldwide, not all items are stored in one place. When you order multiple items at a time, we may combine some items or each item will be shipped out separately so you will probably receive one item before the next. Don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once; you will get it soon.
I've put a wrong shipping address and/or picked a wrong size/variant! Can I change it?If this happens to you, contact us here as soon as possible, and we might be able to take care of it. However, we can't guarantee anything in this case, as all of our items are usually processed immediately after you order and ship out mostly on the same day or the day after. If your order has already entered the shipping process, we won't be able to stop it. Please contact us anyway, as we still care and we'll try to help in any case.
How secure is my personal information?petsgonuts adheres to highest industry standards in order to protect your personal information with the best security solutions. Your credit card information and personal details are encrypted during transmission using SSL (secure socket layer technology), which is widely used on the Internet for processing payments safely. Your credit card information is only available to Payumoney/Citrus/PayPal in order to complete the requested transaction and is not subsequently stored.
What are other shipping exceptions?Delayed delivery - in rare instances, packages may take longer than the stated expected time frame. Unfortunately, we are unable to control shipping times and any unexpected delays that may occur en route and we seek your understanding and patience should this occur. In such cases, we will ship out a new package if there are no tracking updates for more than 15-20 business days. This may especially be true during the busier holiday seasons at the year's end. Processing Time VS Shipping Time Please note that processing time (1-3 business days) is different from shipping time and should be added to the total time of delivery. Orders generally take 1-3 business days to be fully processed (checked, packed, forwarded to logistics and sent forth to the post office). After your order has been processed, your package will then be picked up by our shipping company for dispatch. Canceling An Order Once an order is placed, we will not be able to cancel or change the shipping address as your order might have already processed. Unclaimed Orders We are not responsible for any packages returned to us as refused, unclaimed, undelivered, or because of an incorrect or insufficient address. Separate Packages In some instances, an order may be split into different packages for any of the following reasons: - Certain items may be on back order - Weight restrictions for regular shipping imposed by the logistics partner/post office - Different designers/warehouse location (we work with multiple warehouses to bring you the best selection at affordable prices).
The product doesn’t fit my pet. I need to change the size, can I do it?"We understand all pets have a different size and growth structure and so sometimes the product may not fit properly. Please contact our customer support team on email, whatsapp or call they will guide you about the correct size or what best alternative can be done. In this case, please refer our returns & exchange policy. Please note: Hygiene & Grooming products will not be replaced under any circumstances.
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